Fiddlewidget for String Teachers
Activity 6b-Finding Harmony Parts- Identifying the tenor and baritone parts Time required: 20 minutes to one hour, depinding on time
devoted to practice
1.The written score produced in Activity 6a, with the melody and chords shown in numbered scale
2. The instrument that we are demonstrating, i.e. violin, viola, etc (a piano might be a good addition
here for playing all three parts at once, but is not absolutely necessary.)
What we'll be doing here is just adding two harmony parts to the melody line, by looking at
the underlying chord and picking scale degrees that most closely fit.
Activity: ask students to take the numbered score they produced in activity 6a, and add the closest notes above
and below the melody line that are in the underlying chord. The easiest way to do this is just to remember that
the 1 chord is the 1-3-5, the 5 chord is the 5-7-2 and the 4 chord, if applicable, is 4-6-1. (I don't have that
chord in Buffalo Gals.)
This should allow them to produce output that looks something like this:
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